The Hunt for Loot

It may seem strange at first to list the loot hunt as a feature but in the modern era, it seems some ARPGs expect players to use an auction-house or trade online to outfit their characters in the best gear. While that is appealing for some, we recognize that there are many players who just want a reasonable chance to find their own loot without endless grinding and who want to play the actual game; not spend time outside the game hunting down good trades.

Loot in Grim Dawn is still precious and the best items rare but with drop rates tuned to still allow players to amass an impressive collection with time investments that are more reasonable for people without endless free time.

Farming is designed to be a fun and effective way to obtain good items, for those who enjoy it but we have also made a special effort to make exploration and clearing levels more rewarding with more chests that are worth opening and secret rooms stacked with higher tier chests. There are also exalted one-time chests in remote corners of the map and in some side-dungeons. These chests only spawn once per character but offer a guaranteed epic drop for those who take the time to seek them out!
There are hundreds of unique items in the game and thousands more that can be generated via our item affix system.

Common Items
Common items form the backbone of all Magical and Rare items in the game. They are the items upon which affixes are rolled. In the case that an item rolls neither a prefix nor a suffix, it will drop as a Common and bear no special attributes.
Common items have their name displayed in white.
Magic Items
Magic items are Common items that have rolled a prefix, a suffix or both of magical quality. These items provide significant bonuses, but only to a few stats. Most yellow items boost 2-3 stats, but the values are competitive with other item qualities.
Magic items have their names displayed in yellow.
Rare Items
Whenever a Common item rolls at least one affix of rare quality, it becomes a Rare item. Rare items are generated less frequently than Magic items, thus the name, but boost more stats. Unlike Magic items, Rare items can provide more exotic bonuses such as damage to a specific monster archetype or even Auto-Cast item skills. However, the values of each individual bonus will generally not be stronger than those available on Magic items.
Rare items can be any combination of Magic and Rare affixes; an item can have a Rare prefix and a Magic suffix, or vice versa. An item that generates both a rare prefix and a rare suffix is considered a double rare. Double rare items have the potential to be some of the most powerful in the game.
Rare items have their names displayed in green. Rare items begin to drop around
level 8.
Monster Infrequents

Monster Infrequents are a special type of item that drops only from specific monsters, and then not with a 100% drop rate. For example, to acquire the Monster Infrequent known as Salazar’s Sovereign Blade, you must hunt down Salazar, Blade of Ch’thon in his lair.
Monster Infrequents are unique in that they always have some base attributes. On top of that, they can still roll the usual affixes. This makes Monster Infrequents very powerful. A well-rolled Monster Infrequent is a highly desired item and worth hunting for.
Monster Infrequents have their names displayed in green.

Epic Items

Epic One-Handed
51-82 Physical Damage
1.82 Attacks per Second
1-17 Lightning Damage
25% Chance of 43-217 Electrocute Damage over 3 Seconds
+37% Lightning Damage
+37% Electrocute Damage
15% Physical Damage converted to Lightning Damage
+26 Offensive Ability
+2 to Storm Totem
+2 to Storm Box of Elgoloth
Required Player Level: 33
Required Physique: 256

Epic Chest Armor
+380 Health
+22 Health Regenerated per Second
Increases Health Regeneration by 16%
+6% Total Speed
+22% Chaos Resistance
+2 to Savagery
+2 to Righteous Fervor
Granted Skills
Fanaticism (30% Chance when Hit)
Enter a state of fanatical frenzy,
tearing at your enemies with ruthless
40 Second Skill Recharge
12 Duration
+70 Offensive Ability
+10% Attack Speed
+10% Casting Speed
Required Player Level: 35
Required Physique: 254

Epic One-Handed Scepter
33-52 Vitality Damage
1.78 Attacks per Second
8 Vitality Damage
8% of Attack Damage converted to Health
+86% Vitality Damage
12% Reduced target's Damage for 2 Seconds
+10% Damage to Humans
+2 to Second Rite
+2 to Wendigo Totem
Granted Skills
Reaping Cascade
Drains the very life from your target,
jumping to nearby enemies with voracious intent.
4 Second Skill Recharge
Affects up to 3 targets
135-281 Vitality Damage
20% of Attack Damage converted to Health
70 Vitality Decay Damage over 2 Seconds
Required Player Level: 40
Required Physique: 263
Required Spirit: 263
Epic Items are the first tier of unique items available in Grim Dawn. Unlike Magic and Rare items, Epics come with predetermined stats, which can come in combinations not normally found on Magic or Rare items. Epic items often come with an active or auto-cast item skill, which can really enhance your play style.

"A prototype weapon.
Unfortunately, its inventor was
slain before it could be taken to
mass production."
Epic Two-Handed Ranged
53-84 Physical Damage
100% Armor Piercing
1.46 Attacks per Second
15 Piercing Damage
+8% Crit Damage
+40% Pierce Damage
+10% Attack Speed
+4 Pneumatic Burst
Granted Skills
Bolt Burst (5% Chance on Attack)
A trick with the loading
mechanism allows for an
occasional burst of ammo to be
unleashed in rapid succession.
8 Second Skill Recharge
1 Second Duration
+100% Attack Speed
Required Player Level: 15
Required Cunning: 112

"An ancient implement of ritual sacrifice,
forged by a long-dead people."
Epic One-Handed Axe
33-58 Physical Damage
1.91 Attacks per Second
5 Cold Damage
+20% Cold Damage
15% Physical Damage converted to Cold Damage
+10 Physique
+2 Amarasta's Blade Burst
+2 Bone Harvest
Granted Skills
Reaper's Touch (10% Chance on Attack)
The cold hand of death washes over your
1.5 Second Skill Recharge
200 Degree Attack Arc
3 Target Maximum
33% Weapon Damage
95 Cold Damage
25% of Attack Damage converted to Health
Required Player Level: 17
Required Physique: 137

Epic Boots
66 Armor
+13% Fire Damage
+10 Spirit
+10 Offensive Ability
+5% Movement Speed
20% Fire Resistance
+2 to Blackwater Cocktail
Granted Skills
Flame Patch (100% Chance when Hit)
You ignite the very ground you step on.
1.5 Second Skill Recharge
3 Second Duration
2.5 Meter Radius
60 Fire Damage
90 Burn Damage over 2 Seconds
Required Player Level: 14
Required Physique: 48
Though they drop less frequently than Rare items, Epics can be found most reliably from Boss Monsters and Hero Monsters. You may find Epics in the most unusual of places however, so it is always worth it to break those barrels or to seek out secret areas. You may also wish to find all of the One-Shot chests in the game, which guarantee one Epic item each.
Epic items have their names displayed in blue and have unique item art. Epic items begin to drop around level 12.

Epic Belt
45 Armor
+25% Vitality Damage
+36% Chaos Damage
+5% Casting Speed
12% Pierce Resistance
22% Chaos Resistance
+2 to Destruction
+2 to Flames of Ignaffar
Granted Skills
Lifestealer Nova (30% Chance when Hit)
A surge of necrotic energies rips the life from nearby
enemies and transfers it to you.
3 Second Skill Recharge
6 Meter Radius
138 Vitality Damage
20% of Attack Damage converted to Health
Required Player Level: 40
Required Physique: 290

Epic Amulet
+15% Poison Damage
+15 Offensive Ability
10% Vitality Resistance
+2 Blood of Dreeg
Bonus to All Pets
+6% Attack Speed
Granted Skills
Summon Blighted Rift Scourge (Granted by Item)
Summon a Blighted Rift Scourge from the
depths to follow your every command. The rift
scourge scales with Pet Bonuses.
180 Energy Cost
30 Second Skill Recharge
1 Summon Limit
Required Player Level: 24
Required Spirit: 103

Epic Ring
+66 Health
+2 to Summon Briarthorn
+10% to Raise Skeletons
Bonus to All Pets
4 Vitality damage
15% Physical Damage converted to Vitality Damage
+8% Health
Granted Skills
Stalwart Guardian (20% Chance when Hit)
Calls forth a guardian with strong defenses
and high threat.
33 Second Skill Recharge
1 Summon Limit
Lives for 22 Seconds
Required Player Level: 14
Required Spirit: 50

"A ring commonly carried by nobles possessed by
Aetherial spirits."
Epic Amulet
+43% Aether Damage
+22 Spirit
+240 Health
+1.5 Energy Regenerated per second
15% Aether Resistance
+2 to Albrecht's Aether Ray
+2 to Spectral Binding
Granted Skills
Arcane Blast (20% Chance when Hit)
A surge of arcane energies erupts from you,
damaging all nearby enemies.
4 Second Skill Recharge
4.8 Meter Radius
15% Weapon Damage
129 Fire Damage
129-216 Aether Damage
Required Player Level: 40
Required Spirit: 197
Legendary Items
Legendary Items represent the pinnacle of power in Grim Dawn. These are the items about which tales are told and legends are born. They bestow the most potent bonuses and item skills. Rightfully so, Legendary items are even harder to find than Epic items. Having one drop is cause for celebration.
Legendary items have their names displayed in purple and have unique item art. Legendary items begin to drop around level 50.

Legendary One-Handed Dagger
19-35 Fire Damage
19-35 Chaos Damage
1.93 Attacks per Second
+135% Fire Damage
+135% Chaos Damage
+135% Burn Damage
+4% Skill Cooldown Reduction
+1 to Hellfire Mine
+2 to Destruction
+1 to all skills in Demolitionist
Granted Skills
Grim Fate (50% Chance on Enemy Death)
Turn your foe's remains into a gruesome
explosion of carnage.
0.8 Second Skill Recharge
1 Second Duration
3 Meter Radius
100 Fire Damage
90-200 Chaos Damage
30% Reduction to Enemy's Health
80 Reduced target's Defensive Ability for 3 seconds
Required Player Level: 58
Required Cunning: 282
Required Spirit: 353

Legendary Heavy Helm
1154 Armor
8-11 Fire Damage
+46% PhysicalDamage
+46% Fire Damage
+46% Internal Trauma Damage
+46% Burn Damage with +57% Increased Duration
+730 Health
8% Chance to Avoid Projectiles
322 Fire Retaliation
12% Elemental Resistance
+2 to Grenado
+2 to Canister Bomb
+1 to all skills in Demolitionist
Granted Skills
Flame Breath (Granted by Item)
The mask allows you to breathe fire.
90 Energy Cost
2.5 Second Skill Recharge
10 Meter Range
33% Weapon Damage
25% of Retaliation Damage added to Attack
594-676 Fire Damage
1800 Burn Damage over 5 Seconds
Required Player Level: 75
Required Physique: 733

Legendary Two-Handed Mace
97-663 Physical Damage
1.43 Attacks per Second
+34-43 Physical Damage
+215% Physical Damage
+189% Cold Damage
+215% Internal Trauma Damage
+189% Frostburn Damage
50% Cold Damage converted to Physical Damage
+6% Health
+10% Attack Speed
15% Physical Resistance
50% Reduced Freeze Duration
+2 to Cadence
+2 to all skills in Soldier
Granted Skills
Great Tide(Granted by Item)
Unleash a great tide to scatter your foes, just as
the great leviathan parts the waters with every
90 Energy Cost
5 Second Skill Recharge
12 Meter Radius
160% Weapon Damage (45-116)
372-616 Physical Damage
187-365 Cold Damage
33% Chance to Freeze target for 1.5 seconds
Required Player Level: 75
Required Physique: 555
Set Items
Set items are a special sub-set of Epic and Legendary items that are part of a collection. When items from the same Set are equipped, they will bestow additional set bonuses. Completing a Set grants powerful bonuses that will be difficult to give up. To compensate for their synergistic value, Set items generally have lower stats than other items of similar quality and level, but the set bonuses more than make up for this loss.

"Regalia honoring the legendary
Arcanist Maiven."
Maiven's Hood
Maiven's Tome
Maiven's Lens
(2) Set
+50 Defensive Ability
(3) Set
+1 to all skills in Arcanist

"Regalia honoring the legendary
Arcanist Maiven."
Maiven's Hood
Maiven's Tome
Maiven's Lens
(2) Set
+50 Defensive Ability
(3) Set
+1 to all skills in Arcanist

"Regalia honoring the legendary
Arcanist Maiven."
Maiven's Hood
Maiven's Tome
Maiven's Lens
(2) Set
+50 Defensive Ability
(3) Set
+1 to all skills in Arcanist
Set items have their names displayed in blue or purple, depending on their quality, and have unique item art. Set items begin to drop around level 20.

"The seething hatred of the betrayed god fills the
wearer with an unquenchable flame."
Ulzuin's Headguard
Ulzuin's Chestguard
Ulzuin's Shoulderguard
Ulzuin's Flamespreader
Heart of Ulzuin
(2) Set
+80% Fire Damage
+80% Lightning Damage
(3) Set
+100% Burn Damage with +50% Increased Duration
+100% Electrocute Damage with +50% Increased Duration
12% Physical Resistance
(4) Set
+2 to all skills in Demolitionist
(5) Set
+15% Crit Damage
Ulzuin's Vengeance (100% Chance on Critical Attack)
A manifestation of the fire god's rage, burning embers
fall from the sky and incinerate all.

"The seething hatred of the betrayed god fills the
wearer with an unquenchable flame."
Ulzuin's Headguard
Ulzuin's Chestguard
Ulzuin's Shoulderguard
Ulzuin's Flamespreader
Heart of Ulzuin
(2) Set
+80% Fire Damage
+80% Lightning Damage
(3) Set
+100% Burn Damage with +50% Increased Duration
+100% Electrocute Damage with +50% Increased Duration
12% Physical Resistance
(4) Set
+2 to all skills in Demolitionist
(5) Set
+15% Crit Damage
Ulzuin's Vengeance (100% Chance on Critical Attack)
A manifestation of the fire god's rage, burning embers
fall from the sky and incinerate all.

"The seething hatred of the betrayed god fills the
wearer with an unquenchable flame."
Ulzuin's Headguard
Ulzuin's Chestguard
Ulzuin's Shoulderguard
Ulzuin's Flamespreader
Heart of Ulzuin
(2) Set
+80% Fire Damage
+80% Lightning Damage
(3) Set
+100% Burn Damage with +50% Increased Duration
+100% Electrocute Damage with +50% Increased Duration
12% Physical Resistance
(4) Set
+2 to all skills in Demolitionist
(5) Set
+15% Crit Damage
Ulzuin's Vengeance (100% Chance on Critical Attack)
A manifestation of the fire god's rage, burning embers
fall from the sky and incinerate all.
Showing/Hiding Items

As you progress in your loot hunt, you may find yourself wanting to hide items that do not match your needs from being displayed on the screen. You can do so by pressing the Loot Filter Button on the HUD.
By pressing this button, you open up the Loot Filter UI, where you can select from a variety of options to fine-tune what item drops are displayed on the screen!
Item Database
Our fans have been busy creating tools to assist in the creation of your characters. One such example is Grim Tools Item Database, created by Dammitt, which allows you to search through every item and affix available in the game.
You can visit the Grim Tools Item Database website here.