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v1.2.1.3 is now available!

Grim Dawn’s latest update is now available! Enjoy squished Shattered Realm progression, improved Crucible progression for alts, revised Component skills, the latest bug fixes, and much much more!
Learn more here.
Announcing Fangs of Asterkarn!

Grim Dawn’s third expansion will have you exploring the glorious snowy peaks of Asterkarn. Learn more on the announcement page!
Grim Dawn now available on Xbox!

We are thrilled to grow our community on the Xbox and expand the ARPG offering on console. Grim Dawn debuts on Xbox with a “Definitive Edition” that assembles years of expansions and free content updates into one convenient package by bundling the Ashes of Malmouth expansion, Forgotten Gods expansion, and the Crucible game mode!
Finally Xbox players are be able to explore the darkest corners of Grim Dawn’s vast, immersive world, where secrets abound and untold terrors lurk. Known for its rewarding itemization, dual class system, choice and consequence questing, factions and rewarding end-game activities, Grim Dawn is sure to entice fans of the genre both new and old.
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